Modern Day Courage

If you are looking for the courage to overcome your fears, welcome.
Courage can be found each and every day.

“There’s courage involved if you want to become Truth”


Foundational Jalene

I was born on a cold day in early January eleven days after my due date. I was stubborn and didn’t want to be born in the 1970’s. No, I wanted to be in the decade which offered bold style, saturated color and glitzy glamor. I wanted to be born in the decade that broke boundaries and followed its own rules. Born in the 80’s seemed to match me to a tee- so I delayed to make it so!


Present Jalene

I live and write on the Prairies in Canada [Treaty No. 6 Territory].

Modern Day Courage is my first book which was born of a desire to share my experience with the world. It documents my journey from the farm to seven continents and from naivete to emancipation.

Future Jalene

My goal is to work as an advocate for mental health, and dedicate more and more time to public speaking and writing.

I believe mental health is our 21st century final frontier which we must compassionately face together. Mental health comes in many different forms; it is multi-layered, multi-dimensional and deserves our time, attention and gentle care.

Awareness and support is needed from our families, within our communities, and in our workplace.

The Book

The book is a collection of lived experiences and I share my story so you do not feel alone on your road of discovery. Modern Day Courage covers topics of sexual affirmation, self-love, divorce and mental health while highlighting the power of courage, gritty determination and hope. I share my most intimate thoughts and feelings about shedding layers of fear, Catholic Church guilt, shame and dismantling perfectionism.

Use Modern Day Courage as a hand book for a dose of courage to take your first step, or your much needed next step on your journey to finding your true self. Courage can be cultivated each and every day!

Great News!
You can now grab a copy of my book at

Readers’ Testimonials

The hardest journey is from who we are expected to be to who we are!!

Jalene Murphy’s memoir is like a heartfelt journey through a field of emotions, covered in one delightful reading. From the days of hopscotch to the trials of adulting, Murphy’s story unravels with the charm of a rainbow, each colour representing her growing self-awareness and acceptance. – Readmore


– Bay Flyer

Digs right down to total awareness.

Awesome life story

Compelling memoir of knowing who you really are

5.0 out of 5 stars Inspirational and makes you think

Great Read

A journey to find truth.

Truly courageous


I am new to blogging – and thoroughly enjoy the outlet it provides. I use this platform to host current thoughts and ideas I am working on. These thoughts are my own!
I write about Modern Day topics, events, circumstances and situations.

Vipassana Meditation 101. May 2024

Vipassana Meditation 101. May 2024

I have had an on-again, off-again relationship with meditation for years.  Inspired by meditation pioneer, mindfulness coach Sharon Salzburg and author Yung Pueblo who spoke about the benefits...

read more

Jalene Murphy overcomes life’s obstacles, mental health, the stigma of divorce, pervasive perfectionism and shame and guilt from the Catholic Church to find her authentic self. After a deep discovery, of who she is, she divorced her husband, who was her best friend because she knew she was gay/lesbian. This podcast will talk about sexual affirmation, self love, and the power of courage and inner strength. Jalene wrote a book called “Modern Day Courage” which is essential reading for anyone, wishing to discover self. Doing so requires work – hard work -but the reward is inner peace. Jalene shares with emotion and tears the courage that she’s had to be her authentic self and live the best life she can live.



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Contact Jalene

Connect with me! Would love to hear from you to see how I can help! In the meantime head over to my Facebook and Instagram to see What I’ve been up to lately.
Don’t be afraid to give me a like and a follow!

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Contact Jalene

Connect with me! Would love to hear from you to see how I can help! In the meantime head over to my Facebook and Instagram to see What I’ve been up to lately.
Don’t be afraid to give me a like and a follow!

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all rights reserved