Brandon School Board of Trustees. May 2023.

Dear Brandon School Board of Trustees,

I am responding to Ms. Lorraine Hackenschmidt’s comments from May 8th, 2023 at the Brandon School Division Meeting. I agree with Ms. Hackenschmidt’s comments that children need protection against pedophilia (online or not), child pornography, and keeping children safe from sexual grooming. I am afraid I have to disagree with her comments about banning books regarding 2SLGBTQIA+ information, specifically transgender children.

Banning books is a tool of oppression that champions ideology and ignorance over fact. It has no place in an institution of learning! Books containing 2SLGBTQIA+ information and specifically transgender children are needed. Children need access to books that contain age-appropriate and accurate information about this topic.

Children must see themselves in books to validate their feelings. There must be positive gender and sexually affirming messages available to assist children in understanding their identity and equip them with the necessary armor to navigate an often challenging life. Adults must show children they are loved and supported precisely as they are. The idea of banning books, especially about transgender children, sends the message that there is something wrong with them.

Remember that May 17th, 2023, was the International Day against homophobia, transphobia, and biphobia, and there is a need to protect 2SLGBTQIA+ community members. It was only in 1990 that the World Health Organization declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder.

I write today as a 43-year-old woman who grew up in a strict Catholic household and attended Catholic school (from grade 1 to 9) and Catholic Church each Sunday until I moved out of home at 19 years old. I was taught the “right way” to live was to marry a man and have children. I was not raised with any other information regarding sexuality or ways to live a healthy and productive life.

At 24 years old, I married and later divorced my husband at 40 years old. I had come to know I belonged in the 2SLGBTQIA+ community! It took decades to thaw from the constant preaching that being gay was wrong, that gay people go to hell, and that the only fulfillment as a woman was to marry and have children. It took decades to shed the layers of shame, guilt, and fear to find my true self.

I wish I had books that showed alternative ways to think, live, and love. Readers navigate uncharted waters; a book can reflect how you see yourself. A book can be a lifeline and give a sense of belonging. Let’s ensure the books in libraries are accurate and positive for children. Banning books that contain content on 2SLGBTQIA+ speaks volumes to children. It gives a message to say this way of being is unwelcome, and it provides a statement that being part of this community is wrong or harmful.

To understand our world, we need to accept different views and perspectives. We may not necessarily agree – and that is okay. However, if we want a world without prejudice where all children, whatever their orientation, are welcome, we must provide appropriate learning resources. Banning books is not the answer.

 Thank you,

Jalene E. Murphy  [Author of Modern Day Courage]

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